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Clients say they get better results in a single session than they have in years of therapy...

“Working with Brandi truly changed my life. I have gotten more out of my time with her than anything else I have tried, and I have tried almost everything.”


While transitioning my therapy practice to a coaching business, I would get really down about my capabilities as a coach, constantly doubting myself. Brandi helped me realize how much my nervous system got in the way of my confidence. After working together, it clicked just how awesome I am. I realize I have a really beautiful skillset and I really do help people.


Before working with Brandi, I felt stressed out and overwhelmed with my day to day life. I was constantly questioning if I was on the right path and felt like I had to do things the “experts” taught in my coaching business.

Brandi helped me realize this was a pattern of perfectionism that was completely draining and paralyzing me.

She helped me calm my nervous system and step into a feeling of ease that I'd never felt before. Now, I’m building my business my way, with a newfound confidence.

After feeling stuck for months, I was able to overcome patterns of imposter syndrome, and realize I don't have to do more to be enough. I am making more confident decisions in my business and even got on video for the first time!


Everything felt too big and too hard in my business, and I always had an excuse to not focus on what I needed to do. I realized that the overwhelm I was experiencing came from my nervous system. Now I have tools to move forward rather than feel buried. I know how to support my system to help the growth of my business and show up for my clients.


I was taking on every client that inquired even when they weren’t the right fit. It left me feeling drained, resentful and unfulfilled. Brandi helped me see this was a pattern of self doubt—telling myself I wouldn’t get more clients and scared to turn down income. Now I feel more confident and safe to choose the clients I can best help.

I had been staying busy but not feeling like I was getting anywhere in my business. Brandi helped me realize the “busy work” was a coping mechanism to feel productive when I was actually feeling overwhelmed and unsure of myself. Now I understand how this came from my nervous system and how to support it so things will flow more smoothly in business, and in my life!


I became aware (in real time) of how stressed I was and Brandi provided simple techniques to reduce stress levels and decrease the pain I was feeling, which helped rejuvenate me.

I thought I felt stuck because I didn't have enough time or energy, now I realize that my nervous system was depleting me. I was able to make progress as I became aware of the problem and some simple adjustments made it feel easier to move forward in my business.

Brandi seamlessly integrated evidence-based research into easily understandable language. The mixture of entrepreneurship and regulating the nervous system is a unique combination.


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