tried it all but still stuck


April 4, 2024

tried it all but still stuck

Do you ever feel like you've invested in all the right things, you have the level of support you think you should have, and yet you still feel stuck?

I see this all the time with my clients. 

Over a decade of helping clients and they're all very self aware, growth enthusiasts, they're not new to having support, and yet... they're not where they want to be. 

Everything is seemingly in place for there to be success, but they can't seem to get there. 

Maybe you can relate, because at this point, there's another common thread...

They hit a point where the inner dialogue comes in and starts saying,
this must be my fault.

But, that's not it. Here's how I describe it:

It's not your fault, but it is your default!

Those patterns that we repeat over and over again, that inevitably keep us stuck, are the way your nervous system responds to stressors.

And, when we are ready to grow, ready to expand our business, ready to do things differently, it feels threatened. 

Your system doesn't know the difference between a true threat and a next level goal, so it tries to protect you. 

Those patterns of protection show up as perfectionism, procrastination, self doubt... and it becomes self sabotage. 

But, it's not your fault! It's just your default!

And, you can re-pattern it.

Best of all, it doesn't have to take ages to happen. I have a few spots open for Breakthrough Sessions where we can focus on this one area where you're stuck—and make a breakthrough in a single day. 

These are invite only, so if you're interested, click reply and we can see if it's a good fit for you. 

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