unexpected shifts


March 11, 2024

unexpected shifts

I've had some moments in the last few months that really shifted my perspective with my body.

And had me reflecting about my own journey to where I am today: with the health and trust in my body I didn't even realize was missing before 2022.

So, I'm sharing a longer than normal personal story with you today.

It's about a 5 minute read...

For the last twenty years, I've dealt with health stuff on and off.

I had digestive issues for a decade that turned out to be Crohn's disease. 

I had a brain and neck injury from a car wreck, that led to massive adrenal fatigue, chronic pain, and worsened my gut symptoms. 

When I thought I was finally over everything, having worked really hard for my brain and healed my gut condition, something else came on.

There was consistent dizziness, nausea, fatigue, blurry eyesight, and really weird "head stuff” that I couldn’t correlate to anything in my lifestyle.

It was so bad one night, I remember sitting on the edge of my bed wondering if I would even wake up the next day...

During that time, I visited so many doctors, tried so many therapies, but felt like I was the problem because there were no answers.

I knew something was very wrong but nothing was helping. The only respite came when I began weekly acupuncture treatments. 

Even then, I felt so sensitive, so chronically dysregulated (though I didn't know that was it back then), and so broken.

It was hard on my relationships, my business, and my sense of self. 

After five years of those scary af feelings, I learned that was Lyme disease. Then spent another two years trying unsuccessfully to treat it. I’d get so sick that I couldn't even take one tenth of the dosages I needed to make a difference, and felt so stuck. 

That's when I began studying the biological effects of trauma. 

And, it changed everything for me. 

After just a few months of doing body-based practices for my nervous system, I was able to take a cycle of homeopathics for Lyme and kick it.

It was so clear to me (and my Lyme practitioner, and the testing, etc) that nervous system support was the needle mover. 

But, what I had not completely connected was the depth of trauma that I had experienced because of these physical experiences. How it effected my ability to trust myself beyond my health. 

The things is, I thought I trusted myself deeply. I have been good at reading my body’s needs for a long time, but this was something different.

I realized that I still felt reliant on outside support to make a difference in my health. And, still felt scared every time I did new testing, worried what the results would say. That feeling “out of control” (that many identify as health anxiety) was a viscous cycle.

The more I built up my nervous system reservoir, the more that dissolved. 

I began to see my health team less. I canceled appointments. I didn’t do frequent testing. I started eating more variety of foods. And giving less f*cks about my previously "perfect" diet. I took fewer and fewer supplements.

And really—I mean really—trusted my body in ways I never had before. 

That's when it happened... I had the most unexpected shift.

I realized that for the first time in twenty years, I no longer needed to rely on my practitioners to keep me well, or feeling safe about my health. 

And, I cried because it was such a relief!

A relief that it was possible after going through so much but also that I fully, deep into my being, knew it to be true.

When I was a private chef, I always said I didn’t want people to rely on me. So I became a health coach as a way to teach my clients how to better care for themselves with food. 

And, I feel the exact way now. I don’t want anyone to feel reliant on outside help for that safety, trust and growth. I do believe we need outside help for perspective and learning. But, my goal is to give you the tools and techniques to support yourself in the long run—while trusting you can do it. 

I believe that supporting your nervous system is the best, and perhaps only, true way to build that trust.

My body now has the capacity to bounce back from health blips (because that’s all they are now) and can handle so much more than it ever has before. 

And, since my body influences my behaviors, I am not just physically well but also feel really happy, have more fulfilling relationships, and am building a legacy through my business that I am proud of.

That ripple effect is what I want you for you, too!

To know, deep down, that you can trust yourself to handle whatever comes your way and truly enjoy your life.

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