you can handle more


March 11, 2024

you can handle more

People often tell me when they're ready to take the next big step in their business or they're ready to expand what they're offering, there's one thing that holds them back...

They wonder if they can handle it.

They know exactly what they want. They know they can figure out the details: the strategy, structures, and systems.

But, they also know that what's 
required of them at this next level will be different. 

So, they fear they won't have the capacity for it all...

Have you felt this way, wondering if you could take care of your health, your relationships, and your business when you're ready to expand?

I know I had that fear before, especially wondering if I would be able to "stay healthy" doing what it takes to grow my business. I didn't want to hustle and burn out, like I've seen so many others do.

This is exactly why nervous system support helps you to grow your business. 

You've heard me say that my work is about creating safety and support through your body, for your nervous system.  

And, this is the exact formula to have more capacity—it's literally in your body's biology.

Safety + Support = More Capacity

And, with more capacity...
You can handle more,
You can do more,
You can have bigger vision (because it feels safe),
You can actualize the thing you know, deep down, you want!

So, the capacity you're wanting starts in your nervous system. 

One of the gifts I have with this work is helping you identify your own patterns around "handling more."

With my integrative mentoring and coaching programs, I teach you to regulate your nervous system AND use your body's biology to change the patterns of behavior that are subconsciously sabotaging your business.

When you know that you're ready for something bigger, but are worried you can't handle it, this is your next step. 

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